Client: CMD Agency
End Client: Microsoft Xbox
About the Project
Provided by Client:
Guidelines for the desired look/feel.
Avatar personalities, genders, ethnicities
Create a series of avatar samples that could be used for the online features of the Xbox game system.
Animate each avatar doing simple gestures.
In total there were 11 avatars and 80 gestured animations.
My Role:
Animation cleanup (fixing things like arms moving through hips, feet not hitting the ground, etc)
Render setup, presentation and output
Final composites
Assisted with some of the clothing paints: Kalina Torino
Avatar Modeling & Animations: Donald Fergus
Software used: 3dsMax, Headus UV Layout, Photoshop
Approximate timeline: 3 weeks
Below are 4 avatar samples from the 11, and 4 animations out of the 80 generated or that 2-3 week span.