Spirit Tree
About the Project
This project began out of a desire to delve into foliage, particles, and the Procedural Content Generation (PCG) framework within Unreal Engine, with the aim of creating a whimsical and imaginative outdoor setting. It initially began with the "Spring Flowers" project but evolved into something more enchanting. As the project progressed, I found myself wanting to create a scene that balanced realism with the whimsical theme that emerged. This led to the project splitting into two distinct parts. There are still elements within this project that I plan to refine and incorporate, as outlined below.
[audio on]
Time Taken - Approximately 3-5 days (including the other project).
Flowers, Grass, Tree (PCG) -
The geometry for the flowers and grass were acquired through Quixel Megascans. They were then funneled through Unreal Engine's Procedural Content Generation (PCG) framework using blueprints. This allows for large scale scenes to be populated more quickly so that individual clumps do not need to be placed manually. Afterwards, hero objects can be placed throughout the scene. It's a huge time saver. The willow tree for example (from the Marketplace), is my "hero" asset.
VFX (Maya/Photoshop/Unreal Engine)-
The butterflies were created using a plane from Maya with edge loops in the middle to represent the body of the butterfly. That was then textured with my selected butterfly image on an alpha channel using Photoshop. This textured plane was then animated using a series of material nodes within UE5 and then applied to my Niagara particle system. The same process was used to create the butterfly streaking and pixie dust effect.
The pink pixie dust used a duplicate of the butterfly pixie dust from the butterfly and was funneled through its own Niagra system.
Material Node System
Niagra Particle System
Tree Leaves (Glow) -
For the animated glow effect, I had to dive down the material graph chain to the parent system that isolated the leaves. Once there, I created a graph branch for a glow effect as well as a color gradient that included open parameters for intensity and shift, and then funneled that branch through the emissive channel of the material. Finally, I added the intensity parameter of the glow to my sequencer and animated its value in coordination with the audio. In the end I opted not to animate the color shift. See examples below:
Lighting & Sky (Unreal Engine) -
I used a CloudMask Generator to adjust the cloud formation, a directional light to adjust the time of day and color value.
Background Assets -
The mountains and rocks were acquired from the Marketplace.
Rendering (Unreal Engine/After Effects/Motion Array/Media Encoder)-
I used a PostProcessVolume and a Cinematic Camera to provide the lens settings and Depth of Field. Renders were created using a Sequencer. The image sequences was then imported into After Effects and Audio overlay. Audio is from Motion Array.
Final renders were generated from Media Encoder
The scene is fully "playable". I currently have it setup for a 3rd-person experience, if it were to be used as a game level.
Software Used:
General Note:
Originally, I created the tree manually using SpeedTree and Zbrush. Before I landed on a Willow Tree, I had envisioned an Old Oak, with a lot of low hanging, thick bendy branches and a lush green canopy. Though incomplete, the below shows where I was at with it. It's certainly a work-in-progress and I may circle back and utilize it in either this project or another. If I don't the R&D was definitely worthwhile.
Top: SpeedTree Oak Build (in-progress), Bottom: Zbrush Leaf Sculpt
Assembled Branch Cluster Using Zbrush Sculpted Leaf and SpeedTree Generated Branch.
SpeedTree Oak Build Node Graph (in-progress)
Software Used: