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(VEMG281) History of Visual FX & Motion Graphics

About the Course

This course provided an overview of the visual effects industry with an emphasis on modern and traditional techniques and their historical context. This survey class also explored major trends in the visual effects industry and identified career opportunities in the field.

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should have been able to:

  • Identify the pioneers of visual effects techniques.

  • Describe the use of miniatures for visual effects, the process of matte painting and the use of opticals.

  • Contrast historical techniques with contemporary digital solutions.

  • Identity the role of the VFX supervisor and examine industry trends in visual effects.

  • Identify employment requirements for visual effects job and prioritize elements of successful visual effects reel.


Software used: Varied

Credits: 3 | 1 Quarter


Student Examples: The below projects represent exemplary work for this course and point of progression in the program. For student privacy, artist names are withheld. If you'd like the name of a project author, feel free to reach out and I would be happy to try to pass along your contact information to the former student. Responding will be at the discretion of the graduate.

(VEMG281) History of Visual FX & Motion Graphics

VEMG281 - Snowspeeder Breakdown
VEMG281 - Snowspeeder Breakdown

VEMG281 - Snowspeeder Breakdown

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VEMG281 - Snowspeeder Side Breakdown

VEMG281 - Snowspeeder Side Breakdown

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VEMG281 - Green Screen ChromaKey

VEMG281 - Green Screen ChromaKey

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