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(GA409_GA412_GA413) Game Production Team

About the Course

In this course, students worked collaboratively to finish an original interactive game/application. Students focused on a specific area of expertise, but were exposed to all facets of the production process. The goal over the course of 3-4 terms: The creation of assets and elements of a interactive application, including design documentation, level designs, 3D art and models, and UI/UX design in a production team environment.

This class was a collaborative group effort that was intended to simulate a professional studio environment. Consistent communication and adherence to class deadlines was crucial. Students who failed to perform at a professional level were dropped from the course.


Software used: Depended on the project(s)

Credits: up to 9 | 3 Quarters


Student Examples by Production:

For student privacy, artist names are withheld. If you'd like the name of a project author, feel free to reach out and I would be happy to try to pass along your contact information to the former student. Responding will be at the discretion of the graduate.

Westgate Resorts VR Training Experience


This project was a part of a $20K grant, funded by Westgate Resorts. The objective was to build a VR training application to help the resort's cleaning staff decrease their time to competency during on-board training periods. I was the acting instructor for the course as well as one of two Executive Producers.

(GA409_GA412_GA413) Game Production Team - WestgateVR

Westgate Draft Walk-Through (UI Testing -Not Final)

Westgate Draft Walk-Through (UI Testing -Not Final)
Westgate Draft Walk-Through (UI Testing -Not Final)

Westgate Draft Walk-Through (UI Testing -Not Final)

Play Video

The Magicians Apprentice


(GA409_GA412_GA413) Game Production Team - MagiciansApprentice



Play Video

Project HardSuit


Kingdom Antics


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