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(GA132) 3D Modeling & Animation II

About the Course

This course was an extension of GA131. Students further explored techniques and tools related to modeling, texturing, lighting and animation. These skills culminated into a movie short.

Upon successful completion students were able to or acquired:

  • An extended understanding of polygon modeling

  • A basic understanding of NURBS modeling tools and techniques

  • Expanded skills in texturing and lighting (projections, simple shading networks, basic light rigs and render engines)

  • A foundation in the principles of animation for both environmental assets and characters

  • A completed 30 second animated short



Software used: Maya, Photoshop, After Effects

Credits: 3 | 1 Quarter


Student Examples: The below projects represent exemplary work for this course and point of progression in the program. For student privacy, artist names are withheld. If you'd like the name of a project author, feel free to reach out and I would be happy to attempt to pass along your contact information to the former student. Responding will be at the discretion of the graduate.

(GA132) 3D Modeling and Animation II

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